Tribal Business Formation - ARNA Nationals
If you are a national of the Aboriginal Republic of North America, use this link for creation of indigenous:
- Unincorporated Associations/Sole Proprietorships
- Trusts
- Holding Companies (501a's)
- Non-Profits (501c3's)
- Communal Organizations (501d's) w/o determination letter
- General Partnerships
- Tribal LLCs.
Complete our intake form as well.
You'll receive: a tribal business EIN number + DOT-IRS Masterfile + initial Business Articles + sample w9 form + Tribal Tax-Exempt Business Certificate (+ additional procedures in the case of Tribal LLCs).
Some benefits of our tribal business registration:
1) Lien-free accounts: your bank account cannot be garnished or liened by any agencies local, federal, or state.
2) Tax exemption on your entities labor: these entrepreneurial institutions are registered under our tribal umbrella and receive tax-exempt EINS verifiable via their Department of Treasury-IRS business master file forms (provided at registration).
3) Sales tax exemption: registrants can apply for sales tax exemption at all stores and use their business master file as evidence, or purchase our employee tax-exempt card for a tax-exempt for life program.
4) Home Property Tax exemption: for 501(d) entities with determination letters.
5) No need for a state business registration (applies to all entities except our Standard LLC process).
NOTICE: All businesses registered through ARNA MUST pay an annual service fee ($20 for nationals, $50 for non-nationals) to remain in good standing. You will need to file an assumed name for your entities as well with your county.